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a) Anti-drug abuse program:
One of the largest dramas in our century is drug dependency and drug abuse which is invading all segments of society, destroying human life and hope. Within the main scope of EEDC Trust for Humanities is to strongly help to resolve this problem for which the main concepts and activities will be briefly described as follows:

>> EEDC considers drug dependency as a disease and not a criminal act. It is a disease simply because it is lack of health. Drug addiction needs to have a scientific and humanitarian approach to give medical support, spiritual understanding to addicts that suffer this disease. It is our social and moral obligation to provide help, and understanding to these human beings, and treat them with respect and consideration as any other sick human being.

>> The drug problem has 2 major segments: availability and consumption/demand. Availability is related to illegal drug traffic which is in the hands and responsibility of drug enforcement authorities of every country. But the availability only exists as consequence of demand, although this demand is artificially created by the invasion of drugs in the market.

>> Part of the activity of EEDC is to help to resolve this problem. Our activity will be concentrated on the second segment which is to reduce demand and abuse of drugs and help to overcome the problem of human involvement in drug dependency.
Our aim is to create special programs in the media, schools, universities and professional segment to realistically and dramatically inform of the consequences of drug abuse through individuals who have been involved in this inferno with a small margin of escape. The fundamental idea is simply to clearly inform and to create consciousness of the reality of what it is to be a drug addict and the terrible road of self destruction and collateral damage.

>> The second element is to form a special program by EEDC on a world basis to reduce and eliminate drug addiction in a shorter time and much less expensive way. One of the dramas today is that average people if they are not in a good economical situation cannot have easy access to the best treatments which are lengthy, expensive, thus reducing the activity and capacity to work of an individual from 1 to 2 years. Our aim is to search for breakthrough solutions to reduce and eliminate drug dependency, this is a task in which EEDC will be investing funds and time to do modern research in all continents and procure alternative formulas including new medical, chemical, physical and therapeutically approaches that will provide a better faster more accessible solution for this invasive disease.

>> Of course this task that honours EEDC will generate a consistent amount of hidden enemies and objection to our activity from the enormous economical interests related to drug trafficker's illegal activity. We are prepared to take these enemies, we are proud to do so and to fight libel, piracy, poison pen letters and illegal activities in order to defend these principles.

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